september, 2019
Event Details
The Chaos String Quartet will be "Quartet in Residence" at the 7th edition of the PODIUM Festival held from 20-22.09 in Mödling, Austria. Opening Concert “Aufbruch” Ludwig van Beethoven:
Event Details
The Chaos String Quartet will be “Quartet in Residence” at the 7th edition of the PODIUM Festival held from 20-22.09 in Mödling, Austria.
Opening Concert “Aufbruch”
Ludwig van Beethoven: Serenade for String Trio Op. 8 in D Major
Manuel de Falla: „Siete canciones populares Españolas“ for Clarinet and Accordeon
Wolfgang Rihm: „Am Horizont – Stille Szene“ for Violin, Violoncello and Accordeon
Astor Piazzolla: “Ave Maria” for Violin and Accordeon
Christoph Zimper: „Pilgrimage“ for Clarinet and String Quartet
Julian Walder Violin
Nora Romanoff-Schwarzberg Viola
Christoph Zimper Clarinet
Thomas Auner Violoncello
Nikola Djoric Accordeon
CHAOS String Quartet
(Friday) 19:30
Maria Theresien-Gasse 18, Mödling